Jumpin Jesus on a pogo stick

Its the gift that (you dont want) that keeps on giving.

So mil calls today and tells dh he has to go over to gmil’s house because her tenant just called and he was NO HOT WATER.

this is WHY we did not buy that house as investment property when she died. we dont want this hassle.

We are here trying to get the house ready for ds1’s bday party… well actually now it seems to have turned into a Packers Party (damn football).

IN 1 HOUR!!!!! all our houseguests will be here!!!!!!

its bad enough I am sick and did not want to cancel at the last minute.

So here I am sick… and dh is trying get as much done as he can… and now everything has to cease… I have to try to stand more than 5 minutes to clean the house.

while he goes to say , “Yup , James you do not have any hot water. You now are approved to call Aldag Honold. then send the bill to Diane in Flordia, she has control over Gert’s account”

They (mil and her bro) should have just set it up that he can just call who he needs to and send the bill. Our names are NOT on the papers from the lawyer stateing we will take care of the house until it sells… MIL’s ARE! just hers!!!!!

I am just so sick of this shit. Nothing is ever thought out throughly they just assume that we can do it all.

If they wanted to become landlords than they should just move back here.

Sorry to be so blunt but I guess you need to be in our shoes to understand. they are good people dont get me wrong, but I am amazed if any of them ever THINK.

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